The Rolling R — the founders likely have beginnings similar to yours. Bret’s parents moved from Illinois to Colorado prior to his birth, both from agricultural backgrounds. So for Bret, ag runs in his blood. Susanne’s parents are from suburban backgrounds, 4 generations removed from farming and ranching.
Although Bret and Susanne grew up locally in Lakewood, CO, they shared a passion and love for the outdoors. Camping, hiking, and fishing filled their high school and college years and early careers centered around wildlife and the land.
Their family grew, and with the addition of their youngest, time spent afield with bow, muzzleloader, or rifle in hand dwindled. Their first born, Brooke, was raised solely on meat from the hunt. Now with Dalton, their second daughter, and Bridger, their son, time flies leaving little time for the hunt, but the desire to provide high quality food persists.
The idea — create a farm on 2 acres! Done. Chickens came first. Fresh eggs, free ranging. Raising turkeys for meat followed, then a horse, which led to a fortuitous visit to a cattle ranch (more on that soon), and then, inevitably, cattle. The 2-acres filled and the search for nearby land began.
The idea blossomed and, today, the Rollers are proud to provide local, natural, hormone and antibiotic free high-quality pork and beef! Their operation expanded to 100 acres and includes a thriving Angus cattle herd, Tamworth heritage breed pigs, sheep for wool, horses, chickens, and grandma’s llama.
We look forward to providing your family with quality pork, beef, eggs, chicken, and soon to come — fresh vegetables and fruits. Join our family and come experience a local homestead!